
-Starting point of design

-Black and white decoration drawing, distingguish objects in drawing

-Educational background, poster, drawing

-First graphic design: Shigeo Fukuda, negative and positive space

-Illusion principal, characteristics

-Format, material, method

-Commercial  value, appreciation value

-Typography, differnet situation different typography

-Transmit information, propagate culture

-My ambition

-Combine different subject with graphic

-Media, new platform, website, moblie phone app, technique

July 12,2017

Reflection (Contextual practise)

-Still felt nervous. Thinking a little better than the morning. Content need to be more substantial, the enunciation should be clearer.

-My partner thought I need more introduction about the images and practise more. I agreed with him, because I still did not know how to explain few of the slides. Even 20 secoonds is too much for me, I cannot  make use of the time to express myself.

-My patrtner did not give me a clear statement, for me, I think is satisfactory, because I did not mention too much deep understanding of my discipline. Also did not link to my work.

-I thought I just talk in generalities, not much depth, this area should be improved. Deeper and deeper is my aim.


Action plan:

-Finish 20 slides and sort out the order of images.

-Figure out the meaning of choosing these 20 pictures. Analyse or explain.

-Distil the keyword from each slide, make the note.

-Practice at least twice a day. Find problems by practice and solve it.



July 10,2017(2)

June 21,2017

They are all food filled with containers. The containers are regular shape. These food are almost warm colour, it makes people feel that they are very tasty, also let people have a good appetite. They are also fast food, it can shows now pace of life become faster and faster,  various fast food can be seen everywhere.IMG_3416(20170627-224808).jpg.2 

July 5,2017(2)

How to draw a pear is Seymour Chwest's drawing which is to celebrate Bach's 300 years of birth. Bach's face is like a pear, so the designer caught his feature and create four pears. The colour change from red to yellow, it is like bach became passion to slient. The face disapper finally, like the music he left behind is the spiritual food for people, just like a yellow pear. This image is more about drawing instead of graphic, but the strong colour  and designer use other object's shape to replace original shape is very useful in graphic design.

how to draw a pear.jpg.6